Crowdfunding Industry Leaders Take To Washington To Speed Adoption


After today’s press conference at the National Press Club one thing is clear. Crowdfunding industry stakeholders want movement toward implementation of the JOBS Act and they want it soon.

SoMoLend CEO Candace Klein spoke to a concern that tumult in the SEC’s leadership could delay crowdfunding’s implementation past Q4 2013. Vincent Molinari of GATE Technologies urged the SEC to allow a vote on Title II and to begin the public comment period on Title III. In his words, “It’s time we move to action.”

The press conference included Kim Wales, Woodie Neiss, Sara Hanks, Douglas Ellenoff and other industry thought leaders, all of whom shared how they planned to help the crowdfunding industry move forward. A wide array of the industry was represented with participants from the equity and debt sides as well as due diligence companies and VCs.

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